Traffic Data Collection
Case Studies
Case Study 5 - Clydeport Surveys
In March 2012 we carried out Junction Turning Counts for Axis at several locations in Glasgow and Clydebank for a very competitive price.
We have carried out numerous Junction Turning Count studies, but this one stands out due to the actions of our coding staff. Upon checking the data and film footage for one junction, our staff identified what appeared to be a minor incident on one of the roads near the junction.
Concerned that this may have affected the traffic flows for one of the junctions studied, we immediately brought this to our client’s attention and re-surveyed the affected period plus the 15-minute period prior to and after the disruption at no extra cost. This proved to be a worthwhile course of action as the minor incident had caused drivers to react differently at the junction in question, and had affected capacity at the junction.
Our client was therefore supplied with a dataset resembling a more typical picture of events at the junction, and was able to carry out a more robust assessment of the junction, simply due to the accuracy checks and QA procedures which we have in place at TDC.